This morning as I was taking the kids to school Ashlyn yelled from the back seat, "Mom, I have a bloody nose!" I dropped Zach off at school and took Ashlyn home. Her nose would not stop bleeding. Tissue after tissue, ice on her nose, we tried everything and it just wasn't stopping. I was getting concerned, but tried not to let Ashyln know it. Ashy looked at me and asked if we could say a prayer. I began to say a prayer. When the prayer was over I went to change the tissue on Ashlyn's nose and there was not an ounce of blood on the tissue. It had completely stopped! Ashy looked at me and tears began to fill her eyes. "Mom, the prayer worked!"
We talked about what had just taken place, and the importance of prayer. I told her that Heavenly Father had just let her know that he was there for her, and he just needed her to ask. She said, "Mom, how come when I talk about prayer I feel like I want to cry?" I told her that the spirit was there, and speaking to her heart.
I was in awe to think that such a special moment came out of such and unusual situation.
My daughter has always been taught to say her prayers, but at that very moment this morning she knew it was real and felt it's importance.
I am so grateful for the sweet time I had with Ashy this morning.
I am so blessed!!
Thanks for sharing that sweet and uplifting experience. Love to you and your family.
That brought tears to my eyes! She is such an amazing girl!
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