There is just something about leaves and children! The other day Ashlyn asked me if we could make a pile leaves so that she could jump and play in them. You have to know we have only 4 baby trees in our yard. After raking up about fifteen leaves from all 4 trees, Ashy looked at me, and we just started laughing. She mentioned that all she wanted to do was jump in some leaves. A couple of days had passed and Ashlyn, Zach and I took Brayden to YM's. As we were leaving the church parking lot I noticed how many leaves were on the church lawn.... I pulled over, parked and told A and Z to go make a huge pile of leaves and jump in them. Oh my gosh! They had the time of their lives. They would scoop up these huge armfuls of leaves and carefully carry them to their pile. They would lay on their backs and make leaf angels. After 15 mins. their pile was huge. To see the excitement in their faces knowing now they got to jump in them was priceless. "One, two, three", they said, and off they ran full speed ahead, crashing into that monstrous pile of leaves. They were covered! They threw the leaves up over and over again. They were having too much fun so I just had to join in. It honestly was one of the sweetest moments I have had with my kiddos. Their laughter made me giggle, and it truly was a moment I will never forget.
When we got in the car to go home, Zach said, "Mom, that was the best time ever!" (Ya, and it didnt even cost anything) They talked about that moment for days. I am so grateful that my kids appreciate the little things. I love being a mom!
That's awesome! There are times when I wish I had my camera & then there are times like that that I'm glad I don't so I can enjoy the fun 100%. And it sounds like you jumped right into the fun (hahaha)
I remember that day! Ashlyn was so happy! We went and played in the leaves out front the other day, and, well, um, I kind of dont have any pic's! Oopps! You got some cute ones of your kiddos though! Good job!
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