Tuesday, November 30, 2010


This Thanksgiving was truly amazing! Our family had planned on going to Sunriver, but due to bad weather conditions we made a quick decision to stick around. We were inivited to join my brother and his his wife,(Meredith) at Meredith's parents home. Can I just say we felt so welcome and comfortable there. Bob made found a cozy spot on the couch and enjoyed the football games while the kids played and the girls chatted. The food was absolutely delicious! My brother Nate made the most amazing rolls and mashed potatoes. The boys are the cooks in our family. I need to take a few lessons. As we ate, we went around the table and said what we were thankful for. My heart was so full, so grateful for such a beautiful family and friends, and such comfortable surroundings to enjoy a warm meal. There was a lot of love in that room. I am so blessed!
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Kara said...

Sorry to hear you missed out on Sunriver but it sounds like you had a wonderful time!

Unknown said...

Thanks Rachie for you sweet comments! We love you guys and were so glad you spent Thanksgiving with us!