Wednesday, September 1, 2010

IT'S A BIRD...IT'S A PLANE.....IT'S..............


Yes, it's true. This kid can fly. It seems that every time I turn around, Z is suspended in air. I love this about Z. He is full of energy and full of life!


Jill said...

WOW! That is some great photography! It is hard to catch them in mid air...nicely done! Z can catch some serious air too!

We miss you guys lots! Hope all is going well for you!

Swanson Family said...

Those are awesome! I about died laughing, especially on that first one. I love that you can see the other kids lined up waiting for their turn. Too fun!

The Hymas Clan said...

Love the pic's! He is such a fun kid!

The Hymas Clan said...
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