Thursday, October 11, 2012
Ashlyn's Baptism (Sept. 1, 2012)
The process leading up to Ashlyn's baptism was so amazing! I never want to forget this time.
Ashlyn wanted to learn everything there was to know about baptism. We had many FHE on the topic of baptism. She memorized the 4th article of faith. We read scriptures and told her stories of our own baptism. One night while I was tucking her into bed A asked me how come every time she thought about being baptized she felt like crying.(a happy cry)I told her it was Heavenly Father letting her know that she was making the right choice. I love that A is so sensitive and is often touched by the spirit.
Picking out her dress was so much fun. We shopped around but ended up finding her perfect dress online. We took her out on a little photo shoot. She looked like an angel.
This is what Ashlyn wrote her journal about her baptism day:
" My baptism day was a very special day. I could barely sleep the night before, because I was so excited. The morning of my baptism I came downstairs and my family gave me some special gifts to remind me of my baptism day. I quickly put my new white dress on and my mom fixed my hair just right. We headed over to the stake center where I changed into my white baptismal clothes. My Dad was also dressed in white. We had a short meeting and a prayer. I remember seeing how many people were there for me and it made me feel special. As I walked into the baptismal font I remember the water being warm and I was a little nervous, until I saw my Dad. I was baptized a Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I walked through the doors to get dried off and my Mom was there and wrapped me in a warm towel and gave me a big hug. After putting on my white dress I sat in a chair while several priesthood holders laid their hands on my head and I was given the Gift of the Holy Ghost. I felt like I wanted to cry, but a happy cry. I felt my Heavenly Fathers love for me. He was proud of me and the choice I had made to be baptized. I will always remember my baptism day."
After A's baptism we had family and friends over for lunch. It was just a sweet day filled with amamzing memories. One of my favorite was captured in this next picture of A and her Grandmother. A adores her Grandmother. She tells me all the time that it is so cool that she has a Grandmother that is fashionable! We will treasure this picture forever.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

This morning as I was taking the kids to school Ashlyn yelled from the back seat, "Mom, I have a bloody nose!" I dropped Zach off at school and took Ashlyn home. Her nose would not stop bleeding. Tissue after tissue, ice on her nose, we tried everything and it just wasn't stopping. I was getting concerned, but tried not to let Ashyln know it. Ashy looked at me and asked if we could say a prayer. I began to say a prayer. When the prayer was over I went to change the tissue on Ashlyn's nose and there was not an ounce of blood on the tissue. It had completely stopped! Ashy looked at me and tears began to fill her eyes. "Mom, the prayer worked!"
We talked about what had just taken place, and the importance of prayer. I told her that Heavenly Father had just let her know that he was there for her, and he just needed her to ask. She said, "Mom, how come when I talk about prayer I feel like I want to cry?" I told her that the spirit was there, and speaking to her heart.
I was in awe to think that such a special moment came out of such and unusual situation.
My daughter has always been taught to say her prayers, but at that very moment this morning she knew it was real and felt it's importance.
I am so grateful for the sweet time I had with Ashy this morning.
I am so blessed!!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
HOOPIN' IT UP........and a laundry basket.......
Who knew this laundry basket would bring so much joy and laughter into our home? The other day Zach was wanting to play basketball but it had been raining outside(surprise, surprise) Next thing I know he brings his laundry basket down into the family room with a pillow in it and starts shooting around. He challenged me to a game of P I G! I am always up for a challenge. He smoked me. I just couldnt quite get the feel for that little ball. Next thing I know Brayden and Zach are playing one on one. I was pretty much have the ref. They can get pretty competitive.(I dont know where they get that from?) Over the next few days Zach's laundry basket became a permanent fixture downstairs. Even the neighborhood kids were getting in on the action. (Dont tell anyone, but while the kids were at school I would shoot around and practice so that when they got home I could take them on)
Sunday Zach challenged Bob to a one on one. We were all laughing so hard! There were times where Zach and Bob would just fall to the ground laughing. Zach has got some major moves. Bob kept dunking on Zach so when Zach had had enough her jumped over his Dads back into the air and slam dunked it!!!!They literally worked up a sweat.
THE HOOP!/laundry basket

(Nice view hun!)





Sunday Zach challenged Bob to a one on one. We were all laughing so hard! There were times where Zach and Bob would just fall to the ground laughing. Zach has got some major moves. Bob kept dunking on Zach so when Zach had had enough her jumped over his Dads back into the air and slam dunked it!!!!They literally worked up a sweat.
THE HOOP!/laundry basket

(Nice view hun!)






Wednesday, March 14, 2012
FHE putt-putt golf!
For FHE Ashy had the activity. She placed large plastic cups strategically around the house, gave us each a putter, and a golf ball.(Of course she got the cute pink one.) So creative, so much fun, right up the Butterfield alley.

She had one set up so that we would putt from the back door to the front door.

My personal favorite..starting at the top of the stairs, and the cup was at the bottom. Ashy almost made it!(love Zachy's little head peaking over the edge)

Brayden and Zach were so serious! You could feel the tension build if one of them made it in with fewer shots than the other. Bob and I had a bet on the line for a back rub.(He always cheats) and Ashy was just skipping around having a blast!

Thanks Ashy for the fun activity!(Don't smile Braydo!)

She had one set up so that we would putt from the back door to the front door.

My personal favorite..starting at the top of the stairs, and the cup was at the bottom. Ashy almost made it!(love Zachy's little head peaking over the edge)

Brayden and Zach were so serious! You could feel the tension build if one of them made it in with fewer shots than the other. Bob and I had a bet on the line for a back rub.(He always cheats) and Ashy was just skipping around having a blast!

Thanks Ashy for the fun activity!(Don't smile Braydo!)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!
Zach and Ashy were so excited about their Valentines this year. A boy from Zach's class came up to me and said, "Did you get the idea for Zach's Valentine from Pinterest? He proceeded to tell me how his Mom is on Pinterest ALL of the time and she was going to do the same Valentine for him, but did not have time.(Kinda funny!)(I love Pinterest!)
Yes, I am going to start blogging again! I have been out of the loop for awhile.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
So this was my favorite day. After our breakfast we headed out into the blue waters of Hawaii to go sailing and snorkeling. It was the most perfect day to do this. We sailed out to where we could see whales coming up for air. They would slap their tails on the water as they would dive down, creating a huge splash. That was an amazing sight. The word "peaceful" comes to mind when I think of sailing that day!

When it was time to go snorkeling, the kids could not wait to get in the water. The water was crystal clear. Bob and Ashy were the first ones in. (Notice Bobs pale skin, well, it wasn't pale later on that evening. He was pretty much burnt to the max!)

My Mom was so stinkin cute. This was her first time snorkeling. She was nervous but so excited. It didn't help that the captain of the boat was her age, handsome, and single! As she was getting into the water and he grabbed her foot to put on her flippers and complimented her on her pretty feet. That made her day. I was so proud of her.

We saw the most amazing fish. The turtles would float up right next to us, but we werent allowed to touch them. We could of stayed out there forever.
(That day was April fools day. My sister had called me while were were sailing and I told here Mom was snorkeling and was stung by a jellyfish. Do jellyfish even sting? Anyway she believed me and passed the message on to other family members. Um....problably won't be doing that again. Some of the fam were really concerned. Kinda funny though right?)

When it was time to go snorkeling, the kids could not wait to get in the water. The water was crystal clear. Bob and Ashy were the first ones in. (Notice Bobs pale skin, well, it wasn't pale later on that evening. He was pretty much burnt to the max!)
My Mom was so stinkin cute. This was her first time snorkeling. She was nervous but so excited. It didn't help that the captain of the boat was her age, handsome, and single! As she was getting into the water and he grabbed her foot to put on her flippers and complimented her on her pretty feet. That made her day. I was so proud of her.

We saw the most amazing fish. The turtles would float up right next to us, but we werent allowed to touch them. We could of stayed out there forever.
(That day was April fools day. My sister had called me while were were sailing and I told here Mom was snorkeling and was stung by a jellyfish. Do jellyfish even sting? Anyway she believed me and passed the message on to other family members. Um....problably won't be doing that again. Some of the fam were really concerned. Kinda funny though right?)
Monday, April 25, 2011
Hawaii Day 2 (Pearl Harbor)
Our second day in Hawaii was amazing! We went to Pearl Harbor. The kids learned so much and it really had an impact on them. I am glad we waited till they were a little older to take them so they could really understand what happened there.

A couple minutes after we walked through the entrance this Pearl Harbor survivor came up to us and started telling us stories of what he went through. Truly Amazing!

We were able to go on a submarine. The kids loved it. I felt a little claustrophobic. (Such tight quarters)

We took a boat ride over the the USS Arizona Memorial. The USS Arizona was never pulled from the water after being hit. The Memorial is right over the ship and you can look over and see it just under the water. (you can actually see parts of it above the water.)

(Standing on the USS Arizona with the USS Missouri behind us)

We took a five minute bus ride over to the USS Missouri. That thing is gigantic! We were able to take a tour that was so informative. The kids got to see the actual Peace Treaty and where it was signed. You could see them trying to visualize what had actually taken place there. They really soaked it all up.

Just up the road from the USS Missouri was this amazing restaurant called Schooners. The view was amazing and the food was scrumptious! Perfect ending to a perfect day.

A couple minutes after we walked through the entrance this Pearl Harbor survivor came up to us and started telling us stories of what he went through. Truly Amazing!
We were able to go on a submarine. The kids loved it. I felt a little claustrophobic. (Such tight quarters)
We took a boat ride over the the USS Arizona Memorial. The USS Arizona was never pulled from the water after being hit. The Memorial is right over the ship and you can look over and see it just under the water. (you can actually see parts of it above the water.)
(Standing on the USS Arizona with the USS Missouri behind us)
We took a five minute bus ride over to the USS Missouri. That thing is gigantic! We were able to take a tour that was so informative. The kids got to see the actual Peace Treaty and where it was signed. You could see them trying to visualize what had actually taken place there. They really soaked it all up.
Just up the road from the USS Missouri was this amazing restaurant called Schooners. The view was amazing and the food was scrumptious! Perfect ending to a perfect day.
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