Just arrived at the Honolulu airport!(lookin alittle tired)
JW Marriot we stayed at. It was amazing!
We could not get down to the beach fast enough! We arrived at our hotel, put our swimsuits on and booked it to the beach. It was heaven! Ashy had never been to a beach before. She was so happy to bury her little toes in the sand.
This kid just makes you smile. He had a grin from ear to ear the entire trip. I loved watching him play, explore, and just enjoy life!
Bob took the boys snorkeling! It was so stinkin cute to see their three heads boppin up and down.
On this trip, it really hit me how grown up B is getting. He is so amazing with his brother and sister and is so responsible. It is seriously music to my ears to hear all my kids laughing together!(sorry Im so cheesy)
Zachs favorite thing to do was to find seashells. He would search for hours trying to find one prettier than before. We brought a bag full home with us that I will treasure forever!
B and Z said, "Mom, want us to get ya a coconut?" Ya right boys! They ran off and in couple minutes Zach came back with this coconut. (I wouldnt have been surprise if they climbed a tree to get it.) They are hilarious! You gotta love Z's pose!
View from our Hotel room. These boys were sure livin it up!
After a aftenoon at the beach we found this cute little pizza place in Downtown Honolulu. We walked around some shops before we went to the airport to pick up Masan(Grandma Sandra)........
I am in some of the pictures. I was just trying to capture everything and really just enjoying every moment!!!!
I'm so glad you put pictures up! I've been waiting for them, knowing they'd be FABULOUS! I love your new family picture at the top of your blog. You guys are the cutest family!!
Uhhhhh, I may or may not have had a pimp-slap fight with MaSan because she wouldn't pack me in her suitcase. The boys in slippers . . . classic. :) I can't wait to see the rest of the trip!
That was only day 1? Wow, I cant wait to see the rest of them! What an awesome vacation! LOVE the pick of Zach with the coconut - AWESOME!
I want to see a pic of you in your little bikini!
Those robes are awesome!
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