Tuesday, January 11, 2011


The other day Ashlyn mentioned that she hadnt seen me in very many pictures. I am always the one behind the camera(I quite like it that way). Athough, later on down the road I dont want my kids to look back at photos and wonder where I was. Anyway on Sunday I told the kids to come outisde I wanted to get a picture with each one of them. It was hilarious! A was so willing and snuggly, Zach didn't fight it, but gave a quick smile and took off, and Brayden, well, I went to give him a big kiss on the check and, well, you can see his reaction.
I just love being a Mom and being there for all the different stages my kids go through. I truly miss them as babies and needing me for every little thing. Although those days were exhausting, they were so rewarding and worth it. I watch as my kids are getting older, the need for me to do everything diminishes and these little people take off on their own and become these amazing little people. I am still there for guidance, love and support, but it seems strange sometimes that they are so grown up, and it is all happening so fast. I don't really think I was prepared for this stage in my life, where now I get to focus on ME again. I have mixed emotions about it all, but I am Learning, growning and trying new things.(Life is good)


Maeser said...

Love you and LOVE your family! I remember when Brayden was a baby, and dancing to NSYNC every 5 minutes. Lots of fun memories!

Debbie said...

Such a sweet post Rachelle. Your kids are so cute and you are just as beautiful as you were 16 years ago at Ricks ( I almost wrote 10 years and then decided to count...has it really be that long!)Miss you!

Whitney said...

So glad you stepped in front of the camera! You're kids are beautiful and all, but so is their mother! Love you!

The Hymas Clan said...

These are super cute! I love B's face!!!

Haskell Family said...

Yeah right! You know you just farted in that picture with Brayden! HAHAHAHHA You look goregous! And the kids are so perfect!