Friday, May 7, 2010

A Mother's Love......

A Mother's love means so much! My Mother is amazing! I want to be just like her one day. She gets a lot of her qualities from her Mother, my sweet Grandmother. My Grandmother broke her hip yesterday. She is so strong! I took Ashy up to see her yesterday at the hospital and Grandmother just held our hands and cried. There was so much love in that room. I am so thankful that Ashy knows her and has created memories with her. In her prayer this morning she blessed Grandmother to have a good time during her surgery! (How cute!) I can feel the love and concern she has for her Grandmother. This Mother's Day weekend I am just so truly grateful for my Mother and for the opportunity to be a Mother. I feel it is the greatest blessing on earth. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!!


The Hymas Clan said...

Ashlyn is soooo cute! I feel the same way about being a mom too! It truly is a blessing! I hope you have a great mothers day too!!

Kim Anderson said...

A sweet four generation bond is priceless. Happy Mothers Day to you and best wishes to you and Grandmother with your current health challenges.