Sunday, October 11, 2009


We were in Utah a couple of weeks ago. One morning while the men were golfing my sister and I decided to take the kids to this beautiful park by her house to feed the ducks. The kids decided to feed the ducks their fishy's.

I brought my camera along as I always do. The all were having so much fun throwing their fishys in the water and watching the ducks come so close to eat them.

In the distance we noticed this bigger duck(0kay, I apologize if this is really a goose but I dont know really the difference.)This duck looked very confident, and alittle cocky to say the least.

The duck weasled his way right up to the kids............

and began eating right out of Zachs hand. I thought this was very cool and tried get a close up picture of it...............

The duck quickly turned towards me as if it wanted me to take it's picture.........

It looked me right in the face, or should I say right into the camera lens and started to charge me! I bolted from the edge of the water, up the embankment and onto the grass and the sucker was right on my tail. What the heck! This thing had its beak/bill wide open and was hissing at me! (the kids were laughing at me) (I mean come on what do you do? Its not every day you get charged by a stinkin duck!) I yelled, "Don't mess with me Stupid duck!" It turned and got right back in the water. I looked pretty tough, but it actually scared the crap out of me! (DONT MESS!)


Whitney said...

Holy Crap! Where's Martin with his BB Gun when you need him?!

The Hymas Clan said...

That is TOO funny!!!! You should have started chucking rocks at it!!

Melinda said...

Super duper funny Rachelle! I only wish I was there....that is a laugh so hard you cry moment