Wednesday, September 2, 2009



I don't like it! Not one little bit. The boys are at school and it is way to quite. Brayd was totally excited this morning and Zach was not. He does not want to go to school. I tried to pump him up, but he just wasnt having it. I just hope that when I pick him up this afternoon that he actually had a great day. Bob keeps reminding me that I am going to have all this free time and to enjoy it. It hasnt been that easy for me. I have spent almost eleven years just 100% dedicated to raising my kids and now all of the sudden BAM!............silence!!!!!Ashy starts kindergarten on Fri. so this will be an adjustment. Dont get me wrong, there is a lot that I will be able to get done and it will be easier with the kids in school, but alz I'm sayin is ITS JUST DIFFERENT!(does anyone feel the same way or am I crazy?)
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Whitney said...

Oh Sis. I know almost exactly how you feel, only I only had 5 years of raising my baby and now I just have to send her off to strangers. That's why she's only doing 1/2 day Kindergarten.

The Hymas Clan said...

Oh I feel ya!!!! I have Eli and Sariah still but it's a lot quieter!!! Weird! Eli starts on Fri too. Then it will be REALLY quiet and WEIRD!!!!

Jill said...

It was weird when Sydney started kindergarten...she was the only child...then she started 1st grade and was still an only child, THAT"S WEIRD!! What the heck did I do all day, I have no idea! Did I accomplish anything, probably not! But I certainly took advantage of it...clean house, shopping, lunch out with was nice! Enjoy it!