Monday, June 8, 2009


Brayden will be having surgery tomorrow at 12:45. He has been so cute throughout all of this. We went to the doctors this morning and spent the day together. We visited his Grandmother and Uncle Ron, went grocery shopping and then I took him to school 15 minutes before school was let out. It was so neat to see all of his classmates run up to him. They surrounded him and you could see their concern. His teacher put a chair at the front of the room and let the kids ask all their questions. His friends had written him letters throughout the day.
Uncle Dave, Aunt Nancy and their whole fam called Brayd today. It was so cool to see his face light up. So many have called and have been praying for a speedy recovery. A girl from Braydens class stopped by the house tonight and dropped off a plate of cookies and a get well card. He made the comment, "Mom, she is so nice." He recognizes the kindness being shown to him, and genuinely appreciates it!
We will keep everyone posted on how he is doing. Thank you all for your kindness!


Jill said...

Poor guy! His picture below looks so sad! And painful! Praying that everything goes well tomorrow!!

The Hymas Clan said...

Good luck today!!! He is such a sweet kid! Isaac talks about him ALL of the time!!!!!! He even wants to try baseball, just like Brayden does!!! Too cute!!! Let us know if u guys need ANYTHING!!! You are in our prayers!