Monday, May 4, 2009


Needing some advice. I am debating on wether or not to cut Ashlyn's hair. It is to her waist. I am seeking opinions, comments, advice, or tips on this topic. I would be really nervous to have it cut, but I do think Ashlyn would look cute with a A-line cut just above her shoulders. Let me know what ya think? Come on friends and Family, help me out here. I need your input!


Jacob and Lisa Haeberle said...

My opinion: I would cut it, if she will let you. My daughter won't let me and I am dying to. But there are drawbacks. you can't just throw it in a pony when you want to. But hair always grows back! Lisa

Debbie said...

Cut it! Hair grows back...fingers don't! ;) I found your blog through lisa's. Glad I found it! Your familiy is so cute! Hope all is going good for you!

Kara said...

Because Savannah has had a short haircut (chin length)before I've had to think about this too. You need to ask yourself if you're okay with no more braids and pigtails and all those fun cute things you do. If you are okay with using just clips from now on I say go for it. It does grow back and pretty fast too! I'm not trying to be too methodical but you need to make sure you won't miss all those fun cute things you can do with long hair!


I'm a fan of long hair and the fact that you actually do your daughters hair really makes me lean towards the don't cut it. She would look cute with short hair, but I love how you fix her hair. She's adorable any way. But don't cut it. But, you know, do what you want...but don't cut it.

Jill said...

She has beautiful hair and a great mommy that fixes it so cute for her so I say cut a few inches off to freshen it up and have a little change. I say keep little girl hair long until you can no longer get away with putting bows in it then you can try a short haircut. You asked so I told. :-)

Heather McMahon Scukanec said...

I think something that would be really cool is to donate it to locks of love so another little girl her age going through chemo could get an awesome wig. You could see what she thinks about that?

The Original TomKat said...

If you want permission to cut it, this was the wrong picture to's so pretty! I love her hair! I'm with Jill- just a trim. She's got thick hair for a little girl, not many can claim that!

eric and girls said...

I made that decision with Taylin a long time ago and am glad I did. It's so much more manageable and it grows so fast. I am with Heather, donate it to locks of love so she can help somebody in need!

Julie and Todd said...

OH gosh! That's a super tough one. What does she say? Does she want shorter hair or not really give a rip one way or the other? Man, her hair is gorgeous! But it WOULD be so cute short!